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Wessex Gardens Primary & Nursery School

Wessex Gardens Primary & Nursery School

British values

What are British Values?

British Values refer to the core principles that underpin life in the United Kingdom, promoting respect, equality, and fairness. These values are central to shaping a cohesive and inclusive society. At Wessex Gardens Primary School, British Values are an integral part of the curriculum and school ethos, helping pupils develop into responsible and respectful citizens who understand their role in society.

The key British Values are:

  1. Democracy: The belief that everyone has the right to have their voice heard, to participate in decision-making, and to express opinions freely.

  2. Rule of Law: The importance of understanding and respecting the laws that govern society, ensuring fairness and safety for all.

  3. Individual Liberty: The right of individuals to make choices and decisions freely, while understanding the consequences of those choices.

  4. Mutual Respect and Tolerance for Those with Different Faiths and Beliefs: Valuing diversity, respecting people’s differences, and promoting harmony between individuals of different backgrounds and beliefs.

At Wessex Gardens Primary School, British Values are deeply embedded into all aspects of school life, helping to develop pupils into respectful, responsible, and well-rounded individuals. These values are woven through the curriculum, classroom activities, and broader school initiatives to ensure that pupils are equipped with the understanding and skills necessary for contributing positively to society.

Democracy at Wessex Gardens

Democracy is a fundamental part of life at Wessex Gardens. Pupils are actively involved in decision-making processes, empowering them to understand the significance of their voice in a democratic society:

  • School Council Elections: Pupils participate in democratic elections to choose their representatives for the school council, learning about the electoral process and the importance of voting.
  • Classroom Voting: Pupils vote on matters like choosing activities or books to read, helping them understand the value of making collective decisions.
  • Pupil Voice: Regular surveys and discussions encourage children to express their views on school issues, ensuring that they have a platform to contribute to decisions that affect their school life.
  • Debates: Classroom debates on various topics teach pupils how to argue for or against an issue, enhancing their critical thinking and communication skills.
  • Mock Elections: Pupils engage in mock elections to simulate the process of national voting, reinforcing the principles of democracy.
  • Assemblies on Democracy: Whole-school assemblies are held to explain the role of democracy in Britain and how it shapes the way society operates.
  • Fundraising Votes: Pupils vote on which charities to support during fundraising activities, instilling a sense of collective action and responsibility.

Rule of Law at Wessex Gardens

The rule of law is central to maintaining a safe and respectful environment. At Wessex Gardens, pupils learn to appreciate the importance of rules both in school and in wider society:

  • Class Rules: At the start of each year, pupils help to create class rules, which encourage them to understand the importance of shared responsibility and respect for others.
  • School Behaviour Policy: Pupils are taught about the school’s behaviour policy and its consequences, ensuring they understand the need for fairness and accountability.
  • Police Visits: Local police officers visit the school to discuss the role of the law in society and the importance of upholding legal standards.
  •  Rewards and Sanctions: Good behaviour is rewarded with Dojo points, while clear sanctions for misbehaviour help pupils understand the link between actions and consequences.
  • Playground Rules: Staff reinforce rules of fairness during playtime, ensuring pupils experience positive, respectful interactions.
  • Assemblies on the Rule of Law: Whole-school assemblies focus on why laws are essential for maintaining order and protecting individuals in society.
  • Fire Safety Drills: Regular drills teach pupils the importance of following safety laws to protect everyone in the event of an emergency.

Individual Liberty at Wessex Gardens

At Wessex Gardens, pupils are encouraged to understand and embrace their rights and responsibilities, fostering an environment where they are free to express themselves and make independent choices:

  • Choice in Activities: Pupils are given the freedom to choose from a variety of activities during free time or project-based learning, promoting personal autonomy.
  • Freedom of Expression in Art: Pupils are encouraged to create their own unique art pieces, fostering creativity and self-expression.
  • Personal Goal Setting: Pupils set their own learning goals and work towards achieving them, encouraging responsibility and self-motivation.
  • Leadership Opportunities: Pupils take on leadership roles such as young leaders, bronze ambassadors or Eco-club members, providing them with the chance to contribute to the school community.
  • Encouraging Talents: Wessex Gardens supports individual talents through various clubs like drama, music, and sports, allowing pupils to develop their passions and skills.
  • Celebrating Achievements: Personal progress is recognised through awards like Star of the Week or Achievement Certificates, motivating pupils to strive for excellence.
  • Rights and Responsibilities Lessons: Lessons are designed to help pupils understand the balance between their personal rights and their responsibilities to others.

Mutual Respect at Wessex Gardens

Mutual respect is at the heart of Wessex Gardens, with a strong focus on fostering a respectful and caring school community:

  • Peer Mentoring: Older pupils mentor younger ones, promoting respect between age groups and encouraging positive relationships.
  • Circle Time: Regular class discussions allow pupils to listen to each other’s thoughts and opinions, fostering respect for differing viewpoints.
  • Anti-Bullying Policies: Clear anti-bullying initiatives are in place, and Anti-Bullying Week is celebrated to raise awareness of the importance of treating others with kindness and respect.
  • Sportsmanship in PE: During physical education, pupils learn to respect teammates and opponents, understanding the importance of fair play and good sportsmanship.
  • Collaborative Projects: Pupils work together on group tasks, learning to respect one another’s contributions and ideas.
  • Respecting School Property: Pupils are taught to care for school facilities and resources, reinforcing the value of respecting communal spaces.

Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs at Wessex Gardens

Tolerance and understanding of different cultures and beliefs are emphasised at Wessex Gardens, helping pupils develop respect for diversity:

  • Celebrating Religious Festivals: Pupils learn about and celebrate religious festivals like Diwali, Eid, Christmas, and Hanukkah, gaining insight into the traditions and practices of different religions.
  • Religious Education (RE): Lessons on world religions such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, and Sikhism encourage pupils to appreciate the beliefs and values of others.
  • Faith Speakers: Members of different faith communities are invited to speak to pupils about their beliefs, promoting understanding and dialogue.
  • Cultural Days: The school holds cultural days where pupils can explore and share aspects of their own heritage, fostering respect for diverse backgrounds.
  • Learning about British Diversity: History lessons focus on Britain’s multicultural past, helping pupils appreciate the diversity and contributions of different communities throughout British history.

Through these varied initiatives, Wessex Gardens Primary School ensures that British Values are not just theoretical concepts but are actively embedded into everyday school life. By nurturing democracy, respect for the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance, the school helps pupils develop into well-rounded, compassionate, and responsible citizens.